The Best Magnesium Supplement for Constipation

Most of the patients in our practice take a magnesium supplement to support everything from regular bowel movements and constipation relief to better sleep and focus. Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals in the body and plays a crucial role in overall health. Here’s a not-so-fun fact: 50% of the U.S. population doesn’t […]

Natural Alternatives to Ibuprofen: Proteolytic Enzymes to the Rescue!

How to Treat the Flu

Many people don’t realize that the typical over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications, such as Ibuprofen, block an essential part of the natural inflammatory process, leaving the body needing repair. But don’t worry, there are natural alternatives to Ibuprofen! Natural Alternatives for Ibuprofen Proteolytic enzymes, such as the HKHM PureZyme and the HKHM ProZyme, offer a great natural […]

How to Treat the Flu, Common Colds, Pneumonia, and RSV

How to Treat the Flu

If you’ve been reading my blogs and emails for a while, you’ve probably read some of my tips for preventing common winter illnesses. While prevention is always the best medicine, we still get sick sometimes and that’s ok! Let’s talk about how we can treat the flu and other viruses like the common cold, pneumonia, and RSV. […]

Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea: How to Use Probiotics

Antibiotic-associated Diarrhea

Last year I had to take an antibiotic for the first time in about 10 years. Thankfully, I was prepared with my trusty probiotics and didn’t have to worry about antibiotic-associated diarrhea. There’s no arguing that antibiotics have done more to keep us alive than possibly any other medication, but they also impact the bacteria in the gut (our […]

Undernourished in a Busy World: The Importance of Strategic Supplements

I will never talk about supplements as the “cure-all” for any condition. The truth is, we need to pair supplements with a clean diet, frequent weight-bearing exercise, and a generally healthy lifestyle for them to make a serious difference in our health. Why Are Whole Food Supplements So Important? According to the research, and what […]

Changes to Your Sleep Routine: How to Maintain Healthy Sleep Habits

Whether it’s time changes from Daylight Savings Time or traveling to different time zones, changes to our sleep routines can wreak some serious havoc on the quality of the sleep we get – especially for the young ones! Sleep is incredibly important for our overall health. Even while we’re asleep our bodies are hard at work–sleep helps […]

The 5 Triggers of Inflammation: What They Are and How to Address Them

Mother comforting a child

To some extent, we need inflammation in the body. (For example, an acute response to stop the bleeding if you cut yourself.) However, when inflammation goes unchecked, and the body keeps mounting an inflammatory response to the same trigger, it leads to chronic inflammation and disease.  Integrative medicine teaches us that we need to look […]

Top 3 Immunity Boosters: Simple Tips for a Healthier Season

As we transition in and out of seasons, especially winter, a common question that comes up in my practice is about what we can do to give our immune system an extra boost. Making it through these seasonal transitions unscathed from seasonal illnesses may seem like a daunting task to take on. But the good news is […]

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What You Get With The Eczema Jump Start Guide:

Dr. Kilbane’s approach is universal and can be used by both children and adults who have eczema. Here’s what’s included: