
Asthma: Is Wheezing the First Sign?

boy using an inhaler to control asthma and wheezing sitting on a couch with his mother

When I know a child has an increased risk of asthma or any other type of inflammatory issue like allergies, constipation, or reflux, I look at the bigger picture and ask, How can I reduce this child’s overall systemic inflammation? 

What is Leaky Gut?

Child with hands on gut

The gut is the hub for about 70 percent of our immune system. An inflamed gut makes our bodies struggle to effectively and efficiently absorb all the nutrients from our food.

When Your Child Really Needs an Antibiotic

illustration of cells under a microscope

Neither Mom nor I remember exactly what age I was when these fevers started, but we think it was first grade and that it happened about four or five times over a two-year period. 

What You Need to Know about Preventing and Treating the Flu

In the winter of 2011, Sandra brought two of her four children to my private practice in Charlotte, North Carolina. It had been a difficult flu season for everyone in the family except her son Hasan, who hadn’t shown any signs of illness. Sandra’s daughter had tested positive for flu and after checking on her […]

Can you Stop a Child’s Recurring Ear Infections?

Child's ear under examination with an otoscope

Ear infections are the bane of modern parenthood, and Americans spend $4 billion each year treating them. Yet, despite their prevalence, these common infections are poorly understood and often over-treated.  During medical school and residency, I learned to treat ear infections with antibiotics but once I began practicing integrative medicine and incorporating nutritional recommendations into […]

Swimmer’s Ear: Reduce the Risk

School-aged girl in swimming cap and goggles in pool

Swimmer’s ear (medical term otitis externa) is very different from the run-of-the-mill inner ear infection (otitis media). Swimmer’s ear is an infection along the ear canal, when the ear canal remains moist (think swimming)  and creates an ideal environment for bacteria to grow and create an infection. In North America, 98 percent of cases of […]

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What You Get With The Eczema Jump Start Guide:

Dr. Kilbane’s approach is universal and can be used by both children and adults who have eczema. Here’s what’s included: