
Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea: How to Use Probiotics

Antibiotic-associated Diarrhea

Last year I had to take an antibiotic for the first time in about 10 years. Thankfully, I was prepared with my trusty probiotics and didn’t have to worry about antibiotic-associated diarrhea. There’s no arguing that antibiotics have done more to keep us alive than possibly any other medication, but they also impact the bacteria in the gut (our […]

When Your Child Really Needs an Antibiotic

illustration of cells under a microscope

Neither Mom nor I remember exactly what age I was when these fevers started, but we think it was first grade and that it happened about four or five times over a two-year period. 

Can you Stop a Child’s Recurring Ear Infections?

Child's ear under examination with an otoscope

Ear infections are the bane of modern parenthood, and Americans spend $4 billion each year treating them. Yet, despite their prevalence, these common infections are poorly understood and often over-treated.  During medical school and residency, I learned to treat ear infections with antibiotics but once I began practicing integrative medicine and incorporating nutritional recommendations into […]

Recurrent Illness: Stress and Illness

Mother comforting a child

When we adults live in a fight-or-flight state every day, this makes it more likely that our kids will also be in a fight-or-flight state, which can wreck havoc with their minds, bodies, and spirits.

Dealing with Kids’ Ear Pain while Flying

I was on vacation recently and got a call from the father of one of my little patients. He was on vacation as well, and told me that his four-year-old daughter started to have some ear pain on the airplane when they were landing. Her pain ended up getting worse and worse, so they took […]

Are Antibiotics the Only Treatment for Ear Infections?

Toddler getting an ear examination

I have seen time and again that ear infections do not always require antibiotics. The integrative approach is extremely effective, especially when breaking the cycle of recurrent ear infections. Many ear infections heal on their own Upwards of 65% of ear infections will heal on their own, without the aid of an antibiotic.  It is safe to watch and wait […]

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What You Get With The Eczema Jump Start Guide:

Dr. Kilbane’s approach is universal and can be used by both children and adults who have eczema. Here’s what’s included: