Food and Environmental Allergy Testing Part One
General pediatrics is filled with kids who have chronic runny noses, poorly controlled eczema and asthma, and many of them need allergy testing.
What Role Does Genetics Play in Illness?
The outdated use of genetics says that our genes are fixed and we will likely have the same diseases our parents or grandparents had.
Inflammation and Recurrent Illness: A Parent’s Guide
Inflammation is an intricate, complex response by the whole body to what it perceives as a threat.
Grounding: Five Reasons to be Outside and Barefooted
Being barefooted and outside has many health benefits. My entire life, I have always gone barefooted as much as possible. It makes me feel good, and now that there is a growing body of research on grounding or earthing, I can justify my desired shoeless existence. And yes, I find it comical that we have […]