How to Treat the Flu, Common Colds, Pneumonia, and RSV

How to Treat the Flu

If you’ve been reading my blogs and emails for a while, you’ve probably read some of my tips for preventing common winter illnesses. While prevention is always the best medicine, we still get sick sometimes and that’s ok! Let’s talk about how we can treat the flu and other viruses like the common cold, pneumonia, and RSV. […]

What You Need to Know about Preventing and Treating the Flu

In the winter of 2011, Sandra brought two of her four children to my private practice in Charlotte, North Carolina. It had been a difficult flu season for everyone in the family except her son Hasan, who hadn’t shown any signs of illness. Sandra’s daughter had tested positive for flu and after checking on her […]

RSV: What Parents Need to Know

young girl with head in hands looking pained

RSV, respiratory syncytial virus, is in the daily news. It is not a novel illness, but this year the RSV season began earlier and has struck harder than those in recent memory. RSV symptoms include: RSV is a common respiratory virus that causes symptoms similar to a cold. This doesn’t discount the gravity of contracting the […]

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What You Get With The Eczema Jump Start Guide:

Dr. Kilbane’s approach is universal and can be used by both children and adults who have eczema. Here’s what’s included: