What Role Does Genetics Play in Illness?
The outdated use of genetics says that our genes are fixed and we will likely have the same diseases our parents or grandparents had.
Can you Stop a Child’s Recurring Ear Infections?
Ear infections are the bane of modern parenthood, and Americans spend $4 billion each year treating them. Yet, despite their prevalence, these common infections are poorly understood and often over-treated. During medical school and residency, I learned to treat ear infections with antibiotics but once I began practicing integrative medicine and incorporating nutritional recommendations into […]
All About Ears – Blog Series Part 2 – “The Four Causes of Ear Infections”
Ear infections are the bane of modern parenthood. Yet, they are poorly understood and often over-treated. The United States spends $4 billion a year on ear infections. I do not think this needs to be the case. Once I began practicing integrative medicine and incorporating nutritional recommendations into my daily pediatric practice, I saw recurrent […]