
Over 12% of American children suffer from eczema, at an annual cost of $3.8billion. One-third of eczema cases are caused by food allergies and food sensitivities.  

Is it possible to cure eczema by removing the wrong foods from the diet? Or is there more to it than that?

What is Eczema?

A skin condition in which the skin is dry, rough, and becomes inflamed, with blisters that cause itching and bleeding. It is a complex condition involving the skin barrier, the immune system, and other external triggers (eczematous dermatitis or atopic dermatitis). 

If you're tired of treatments that help your child's skin for a little while, only for symptoms to return even worse,
Dr. Kilbane's eczema approach can help!

Does Your Child:

Do You:

With Dr. Kilbane’s Eczema Quick Start Guide, you will learn how to relieve your child’s eczema using a safe, simple plan delivered to your inbox.

Dr. Kilbane's Integrative Eczema Treatment

Dr. Kilbane’s innovative approach helped heal Rocky’s eczema......

Rocky’s parents had been told his eczema was a lifelong condition and that although it could be controlled, it couldn’t be cured.

He was miserable, and his skin actually looked similar to patients who have 3rd-degree burns.

We used our Healthy Kids, Happy Moms process to help resolve this sweet boy’s eczema and today his skin is beautiful!

Get Dr. Kilbane's Resources

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What You Get With The Eczema Jump Start Guide:

Dr. Kilbane’s approach is universal and can be used by both children and adults who have eczema. Here’s what’s included:

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