Get to the Root Cause of Common Childhood Illnesses
I am dealing with a bug issue in my kitchen right now (I am sure they are not only in my kitchen but saying they are only in my kitchen at least makes me feel better). Yesterday I noticed there was a crack along the bottom of the caulking where the beadboard and countertop meet, along with tiny […]
How to Treat Constipation and “Bowel Accidents” Without Medication
The video below addresses the case of a 7-year old little girl who was having constipation and “stooling” accidents every day. She came to see me with three years of encopresis despite being on ½ capful of MiraLAX® (Polyethylene glycol 3350) daily. She’d also had recurrent urinary tract infections and was on a prophylactic antibiotic to help prevent any […]
Treating Constipation in Children: The 4R Approach
What if your baby’s constipation reached the point that every time he felt the urge to poop you had to “help” him by pulling him onto your lap and bicycling his legs? What if that didn’t work and you had to relieve his bowels by hand? That was the case with this family. They couldn’t even leave […]
Dealing with Kids’ Ear Pain while Flying
I was on vacation recently and got a call from the father of one of my little patients. He was on vacation as well, and told me that his four-year-old daughter started to have some ear pain on the airplane when they were landing. Her pain ended up getting worse and worse, so they took […]
All About Ears – Blog Series Part 2 – “The Four Causes of Ear Infections”
Ear infections are the bane of modern parenthood. Yet, they are poorly understood and often over-treated.The United States spends $4b a year on ear infections. I do not think this needs to be the case.Once I began practicing integrative medicine and incorporating nutritional recommendations into my daily pediatric practice, I saw recurrent ear infections melting […]
Are Antibiotics the Only Treatment for Ear Infections?
I have seen time and again that ear infections do not always require antibiotics. The integrative approach is extremely effective, especially when breaking the cycle of recurrent ear infections. Many ear infections heal on their own Upwards of 65% of ear infections will heal on their own, without the aid of an antibiotic. It is safe to watch and wait […]
Treating Childhood Asthma at the Cellular Level: Case Study
In traditional medicine, asthma is often considered a lifelong diagnosis, but with an integrativeapproach, symptoms can be well-controlled or even resolved. Asthma is a condition involving the narrowing of airways and excess mucus production, leadingto wheezing, coughing, and difficulty breathing. In traditional medicine, doctors manage asthmawith inhaled steroids, which aim to keep inflammation at bay […]
Healing Rashes on Children with Diet and Dr. Aron’s Ointment
It can take 90 days for the full thickness of the skin to heal. It’s not always a straight path to cure eczema, and this young girl’s case is a good example.